Graduate School Admission Workshop

Daggy 134

Dr. Raymond Herrera, Assistant Dean of the WSU Graduate School, will be providing undergraduate students with information on how to prepare for graduate school. Topics include: entry exams, personal statements, funding, the application process, and much more!

Graduate School Student Panel

Daggy 134

As part of our Graduate School Week with LSAMP, we would like to invite all our LSAMP students to join us in connecting with our graduate students in a Q & A Graduate School Panel. Topics to be discussed include: student experience in research, the process of applying to graduate school, funding, career tracks, and […]

GRE Prep Course

Daggy 134

During our Graduate School Week with LSAMP, Dr. Herrera and Admissions will be providing a workshop on how to prepare for the GRE Exam; for students who are interested in learning about graduate school and want to learn about entry/placement exams for graduate school. We will also be hosting a Q & A session throughout […]