The national Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program aims to increase the quality and quantity of underrepresented students successfully completing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) undergraduate-degree programs, and increase the number of underrepresented students interested in, academically qualified for, and matriculating into programs of graduate study, including doctorates.

Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, the LSAMP program at Washington State University is overseen by the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement (DAESA) in the Office of the Provost.

Student Eligibility

Our workshops and social events are open to all WSU students. However, please note to be eligible for any stipend-funded activities, students must be fully eligible to programmatically participate in WSU LSAMP. Specifically, to be LSAMP program eligible, students must:

  • Self-identify as a member of any of the following groups: Black/African American, Latino/Latine, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Native Alaskan, and/or Pacific Islander.
  • Be a declared STEM major as defined according to our program grant (i.e., excludes psychology and public health majors, but includes architecture).
  • Be an undergraduate student who is a permanent resident or U.S. citizen.

If you have questions or concerns about your LSAMP program eligibility, please contact us directly at wsu.lsamp@wsu.edu. We are often able to link students to other sources of support at Washington State University.

PNW LSAMP Partners

Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation logo.
Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation logo.

WSU is a member of the Pacific Northwest LSAMP (PNW LSAMP) group, made up of several universities and community colleges from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The group is administered at the University of Washington’s Seattle campus in partnership with staff from each participating institution.

PNW LSAMP partners implement best practices in STEM diversity initiatives that have been disseminated by existing LSAMP programs around the country. Program vision and direction is provided by an advisory board of chief academic officers, diversity officers, and deans from participating institutions. The board works to ensure that the commitment to addressing underrepresentation in STEM is both enduring and institution wide.